Nombre del archivo original: TAREA 12 JULIO.pdf
Autor: Noé Israel Chi Suaste

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Making a Chart
You are going to read the article and then fill the blank spaces in the chart to
complete the information required.
Main character: Emily
What was writer’s

Its that certainly didn’t plan to long journey

What was the first
problem Emily faced?

Emily walked into the warehouse of a paper
company and crawled into a box of paper

She travelled by…

Truck and plane

How did the workers
notice she had come
from Wisconsin?
In what conditions did
Emily get back to her
How was she

Called the veterinarian

Did Emily really

Thin and exhausted
They were very glad to see her, and there were
also lots news re´porters and photographers at
the happy event.
Emily was little quieter and wiser when she got

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