Meat Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras .pdf

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Título: Meat Recipes in English
Autor: Carlos Mirasierras

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Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

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Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

Stewed Chicken


1 chicken, of about 1,500 g
2 large onions
1/2 red bell pepper
1/2 green pepper
3 cloves garlic, chopped
Marinade the chicken with salt, pepper and garlic for a while before starting the
preparation. Then add in a splash of oil where the chicken will be cooked (about 5 or 6
tablespoons, depending on the amount of chicken to be cooked). Let the oil heat up
and brown the chicken a bit without frying it in excess. Then reserve it
Sauté the vegetables in the same pan, but add some oil in if the one used before has
almost been absorbed. Next, add the onion, another of the garlic cloves and the
peppers, stir it all to deglaze the bottom. Simmer for some time until some of the
resulting sauce has thickened, and the veggies begin to fry. Next, add in the chicken
and fry it to a brown color; and when brown, add the wine and simmer until the chicken
is tender. Add some water if the cooking sauce gets too dry.

Chicken Stew With Spices


Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

8 chicken drumsticks
2 onions, grated
1 red pepper, cut into julienne
1 yellow pepper, cut into julienne
1 small can of corn
1 can chopped peeled tomatoes (or grated tomatoes)
A handful of green beans
Tabasco (optional)
1 cube chicken broth, dissolve in a glass of hot water
A splash of white wine
Oil, salt and pepper
Season the chicken and brown it over medium heat it in a large saucepan with a good
splash of olive oil for 10 or 15 minutes.
Remove the chicken and fry in the same oil the onion, beans and peppers. Continue
over medium heat until the onion is soft and slightly transparent. Then add a teaspoon
of paprika and mix everything well.
Then, add in the broth and the can of tomatoes. Add some salt, a splash of white wine
and a few drops of Tabasco if you want to make it a little spicy.
Next, turn up the heat up until it boils, then turn it down to a minimum, and let it simmer
for 20 to 30 minutes (until the sauce has the desired thickness point).
Although, 5 minutes before the completion of the recipe, mix in canned corn, washed
under running water and drained.


Stewed Chicken Drumsticks



Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

4 chicken drumsticks
4 garlic cloves
2 dl beer
2 potatoes
2 dl of chicken broth
Remove skin from chicken and season, dredge in flour and fry in a pan with some olive
oil until golden.
Pour in the beer and the chicken broth.
Add saffron, boil for 25 minutes and season.
Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes.
Fry in a pan with moderately hot oil until they are almost golden
When the potatoes are almost fried, add the garlic slices and fry them for a minute.
Salt to taste
Serve the drumsticks with potatoes and garlic.

Chicken Stew (easy homemade recipe)



Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

1 chicken 1 ½ kg.
1 onion.
1 clove of garlic.
1 carrot.
1 ripe tomato.
½ fresh pepper (red or green)
1-2 broth cubes
1 bay leaf.
1 sprig of thyme.
1 clove.
Heat the oil for 4 to 5 minutes in a pan over medium heat. Cut the chicken into quarters
and brown them well. Add all other ingredients, chopped and sliced. Salt and pepper
and sauté lightly. Cover the pan with water, add in the broth cubes crushed, reduce the
heat to a minimum and simmer for 45 minutes. adding a little water from time to time if
the sauce gets too dry.


Beef Stewed in Wine



Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

5 tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves of garlic
500 cc of beef broth
200 g onion
3 tablespoons flour
1 bouquet herbs
1 pinch of peppercorns
1 pinch of salt
800g stewing beef
200 g of crushed tomato
500 cc of red wine
200g carrots
Clean and cut the meat into cubes of about one and a half inches; salt and pepper and
dredge in flour.
Chop the carrots, onions and garlic finely.
Brown the meat in a pan with some oil over a medium-to-high heat; remove from the
pan and reserve.
Next, fry the onion, carrot and garlic in the same oil for a few minutes. At this point, add
the meat, tomatoes, wine, broth, peppercorns and bouquet garni.
Stir it all and let simmer for about 2 hours over low heat.
Stir occasionally to keep it from sticking to the bottom and watch that the broth does
not dry up. Remove the bouquet of herbs. In the last minutes of cooking, check the
thickness of the sauce and, if necessary, add in a little cornstarch diluted in water.


Pork Cheeks Stewed in Wine


Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

6 pork cheeks
2 glasses of red wine
3 cups of beef broth, or a broth cube with the same amount of water
1 clove of garlic
Black peppercorns
1 bay leaf
1 onion
1 Carrot
1 leek
1 tomato
Olive oil

Thoroughly clean the pork cheeks in water and vinegar. Salt and pepper them,
dredge hem in flour, and sauté in an pressure cooker in some oil and with no
lid on; next, add the carrots, leek, grated tomato, garlic, onion, parsley, bay leaf,
and finally add the broth, the red wine. Lock the pressure cocker and cook over
medium heat for 20 minutes once the steam starts to come out. After this
cooking time, remove the cheeks and process the veggies and broth with a
hand blender, sieve and return the broth back to the cooker. Then, add in the
cheeks and cook until the cheeks are tender for a few mins. with the lid on and
locked. French fries or rice can be a good garnish. If the sauce is too liquid it

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

can be thickened using some of the sauce. previously cooled down, and diluted
with cornstarch.

Pork Stew with Prunes and Walnuts


Ingredients for 6 people:
1 kg. lean pork
2 onions
8 garlic cloves
1/2 liter of beer
1 bay leaf
500 gr. prunes (soaked in the brandy specified below)
1 glass of brandy
250 gr. walnuts, peeled
some olive oil
Cut the meat into one-and-a-half inch pieces; salt and pepper them, and brown them
in a pan with 4 tablespoons of oil. When brown, remove the meat and reserve it.
Chop the onions, peel the garlic cloves, leaving them whole. Put everything to brown in
the same pan and season. Add, when the vegetables are brown, the meat and bay
leaf. Pour in the beer, simmer for 30 minutes over low heat.
Sauté the walnuts in some olive oil; next, add the prunes (brandy included), let it
simmer for a few mins, and mix this to the pan where the veggies were cooked, adding
also the meat. Let it stew for about 5 minutes. Serve when it is hot, although it tastes
better next day.


Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

Oxtail Andalusian Style


Ingredients for 4 people:
2 Kg. oxtail
3 leeks
4 onions
4 carrots
4 cloves of garlic
½ liter of beef broth
1 liter of red wine
2 bay leaves
2 cloves
2 tablespoons flour
Cut the oxtail through the vertebral gaps. Clean the pieces, salt and pepper, and
dredge them in flour.
Fry the oxtail pieces, to a brown color in all sides, in a large skillet with olive oil.
Transfer the meat to a casserole where the stew will finally be cooked.
Cut the onions into julienne, and the leeks and carrots into slices; peel the garlic
cloves but leave them whole.
Fry all the vegetables in the same pan, and when they're soft add the bay leaves and
cloves. Next transfer it to the casserole where the oxtail pieces are. Add in the wine, to
cover it all, and let it simmer for 2 hours.
Add some broth as the sauce dries. The oxtail must be cooked until the meat
separates from the bone.

Pig's trotters


Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

Ingredients for 4 people:
4 pig's trotters
1 leek
3 onions
2 green peppers
5 garlic cloves
1/2 l. tomato sauce
1 sprig of thyme
1 bay leaf
4 chorizo peppers (they can be replaced by 3-4 tsp of paprika)
4 slices of Serrano ham
some olive oil
Cook the trotters (salted and peppered) in a pressure cooker, together with the leek,
one onion, 3 garlic cloves (unpeeled) and some sprigs of parsley for an hour counting
from the moment the steam starts to come out.
Chop the remaining 2 onions and peppers into julienne, and cut the remaining garlic
cloves into slices. Next, fry the veggies in a pan with oil, add the bay leaf, the sprig of
thyme and season; once the trotters are cooked add them, together with some of the
resulting broth, to the veggies (now that they have taken a brown color). Add also the
tomato sauce, a bit of the broth and the paprika (instead of the meat of chorizo
peppers). Let it cook for 10-15 minutes.
Cut the Serrano ham into slices, fry them quickly on both sides, and top the trotters
with them and with some chopped parsley.
Advice: the cooking time of pig's trotters in a normal pot is 2 to 3 hours, and require
adding a little water from time to time to prevent its drying out .

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

Lamb Stewed with Vegetables


Ingredients for 4 people:
1 kg. of lamb, chopped into medium-sized pieces
1 onion
1 green pepper
4 cloves of garlic
2 tomatoes
3 potatoes
1 tablespoon paprika
1 glass of white wine
1 glass of water
some olive oil
1 sprig of thyme
chopped parsley
Chop the onion, garlic and green pepper and put them to fry in a pressure cooker —
with no lid on— with oil. Add the tomatoes, peeled and diced, and a branch of thyme.
Salt and dredge the lamb pieces in flour and fry them in a pan with oil. Add the lamb,
once it is fried and has a slight brown color, to the veggies in the PC; sprinkle some
chopped parsley.
Pour in the white wine and water (same amount of wine). Add the paprika and add a
pinch of salt. Lock the PC and simmer for about 15 minutes. If the sauce is not thick
enough, mix in some cornstarch previously diluted in a little cold water.


Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
Peel and dice the potatoes and fry in plenty of hot oil. Place them on paper towels to
drain off the oil; season with coarse salt and chopped parsley.

Garlic Chicken with Mushrooms


Ingredients for 4 people:
1/2 chicken, cut into eighths
8 cloves garlic
1 can of mushrooms, about 190 g
2 green peppers
2 potatoes
1 onion
1 chili
1 tablespoon flour
2 glasses of white wine
1 cup water
some olive oil
chopped parsley
Salt and pepper the chicken and brown it in a casserole with a splash of oil. Add the
garlic cloves, peeled and sliced, and cook for a few minutes. Remove the meat and
Sauté the mushrooms in the same oil. Once cooked, remove them and add the onion
and green peppers, chopped into julienne. Put a lid on and let it cook slowly. Add in the


Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
tip of the chili, the flour, as well as the chicken and mushrooms. Pour in the white wine,
water and season. Cook together over low heat for 40-45 minutes.
Cut the potatoes into cubes and fry in a pan with oil. When browned, add them to the
stew chicken, sprinkle with chopped parsley and mix well for a few minutes. Serve
chicken with garlic and mushrooms.

Garlic Chicken


2 wings and 2 chicken drumsticks
2 lemons
1 clove garlic
Chopped parsley or cilantro (which you like best)
Olive oil
1/2 cup white wine
Heat a little oil in a large and shallow pan. Chop the garlic clove, very finely, and fry it
when the oil is hot. Next, fry the chicken and when the garlic has taken a brown color
add the wine and lemon juice. Let the liquid evaporate and chicken be cooked. When
the cooking sauce has reduced, add the juice of the another lemon and continue
cooking. Some water can be added (small medium cup) to avoid an acidic taste. More
water can be added to cook the chicken to its doneness and to a correct and not
excessive amount of sauce. Sprinkle the chopped parsley or cilantro before serving.


Roasted Chicken



Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

A range chicken of about 2.5 kg. (cut into regular pieces)
3 onions
2 grated tomatoes
50 ml. of olive oil
brown sugar
A bouquet garni
For the mash:
3 garlic cloves
2 bay leaves
Few strands of saffron (toasted in pan with no oil)
15 g. hazelnut
15 g. pine nuts
15 g. almond
1 slice of fried bread
1 dash of brandy
1 glass of white wine
Slowly sauté the garlic cloves (peeled) to a light brown color, as well as the bay leaves
in some olive oil in a cast iron casserole. Remove the garlic cloves, peel them and
reserve along with the bay leaves until they'll be used to prepare the mash with other
ingredients. Salt and pepper the chicken, brown it in a frying pan, and set aside on a
tray. Cut the onions into brunoise and fry over low heat in some oil.
When the onion starts to caramelize, add the tomato, peeled and cut in the same way
that onions. Five minutes later, mix in the chicken pieces, add a couple of heaping

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
tablespoons of brown sugar, and the bouquet garni . Put a lid on and let it simmer over
medium heat for approximately half an hour. Give the casserole a stir occasionally to
prevent the chicken from sticking and help flavors to mix. Put the fried garlic and bay
leaves, nuts, croutons, a splash of brandy and saffron (do not use too much of it as it
can in a blender glass and process for a couple of minutes.
You must be careful with the amount of saffron because it has a strong effect.
Add the glass of white wine in the blender to slightly dissolve the mash, and add it to
the casserole after the first half hour of cooking. Resume cooking for about 30 mins
over low heat. Anyway, my advice is to check the point of cooking during the first 15
minutes of the second cooking time.

Chicken Thighs in Orange Sauce


7 oranges
8 chicken drumsticks
1 onion
4 tablespoons soy sauce
300 g. brie cheese
100 g. lettuce varied
8 cherry tomatoes
Breading: ½ cup flour, 3 eggs and 20 unsweetened cookies
Olive oil and salt
To cook the chicken: Remove the skin of the chicken drumsticks and set aside for a
later use.
Salt and pepper the chicken pieces and brown them on all sides in a pan with some

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
olive oil. Then add the chopped onion and simmer for 10 mins. Add in the pan the
juice of 5 oranges, add 4 tablespoons of soy sauce, cover and cook over medium-high
heat for about 20 minutes.
For the chicken cracklings: Cut the reserved chicken skins and brown them in a pan
with a little olive oil until they are crispy. Set aside on paper towels, salt and let cool.
Place the no-sugar cookies in a glass blender and process until they are finely
Cut the cheese into small wedges, roll them in flour, beaten egg and breadcrumbs to
fry until golden brown.
Uncover the pan where the chicken is cooking and let the sauce reduce over high heat
so it thickens.
Prepare a salad just before serving.

Stewed Pork Cheeks


8 pork cheeks
2 carrots
1 leek
1 onion
1 tomato
First, sear the pork cheeks in olive oil —so they remain juicy in the inside— by frying
them on both sides in a large saucepan and over high heat.


Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
Next, add the carrots and leeks cut into pieces of about 4 cm, and the onion, cut into
quarters. Stir well and simmer for half a minute before adding the tomato, cut into
chunks; then, lower the heat to a minimum and let evaporate the juice to finally cover
the preparation with water.
Now, put a lid on and let simmer on a low boiling point for about 3 to 3,1/2 hours (but
controlling it occasionally). A good trick is to prick the cheek with a fork to know the
cooking point, and so control they don't break up but remain tender.
Next, remove the cheeks from the casserole, mix in a lump of butter, process in a
blender and sieve to get a thickened sauce in which to place the cheeks again, heat up
and serve accompanied by smashed or baked potatoes, French fries.

Cheeks Stewed in Red Wine & Accompanied by Potato and Basil Cream

4 pork cheeks
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 red pepper
1 carrot
2 leeks
1/2 liter of red wine
salt and pepper
olive oil
4 potatoes
basil leaves and ½ liter of milk

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
Clean and cut the vegetables to sauté them in a pressure cooker with olive oil .
Meanwhile, dredge the pork cheeks in flour, fry them in a pan with plenty of olive oil
and reserve . Once the veggies are cooked, add the red wine, let the alcohol evaporate
and add in the cheek s. Lock the pressure cooker and cook for 15-20 minutes.
In the meantime, and to prepare the potato cream with basil, boil the potatoes with
plenty of water; in another saucepan bring the milk to a boil, remove from the heat, and
add, while hot, the basil leaves, cover with plastic wrap so the milk becomes infused
and aromatized ( 15 minutes approximately ). Peel the potatoes and process them the
infused milk, a dash of olive oil and a pinch of salt to get creamy, smooth and
homogeneous potato cream.
Next, open the pressure cooker and continue cooking for another 10 minutes until the
sauce has thickened a little more. Remove the cheeks, pour the sauce into a glass
blender, process and sieve to get a delicate sauce. Serve the pork cheeks topped with
the sauce and accompanied by the potato and basil cream.

Chicken Drumsticks with Tomato Sauce


Ingredients for 4 people:
8 chicken drumsticks
1 large Chive
1 leek
1 clove of garlic
100 ml. white wine
100 ml. Chicken stock or water
500 g of tomato sauce
3 tbsp olive oil


Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
Salt and pepper the drumsticks, brown them in a pan with oil, and reserve. Sauté the
chopped onion and leek for 10 minutes in the same pan. Add the white wine and broth
or water and boil for a few minutes until the sauce reduces and the alcohol evaporates.
Add the tomato sauce and drumsticks, season to taste, cover to prevent the tomato
from splashing out of the pan, and cook for 15-20 minutes on medium heat.
French fries can be a good accompaniment.

Chicken Drumsticks Almond Sauce


6 chicken drumsticks
100 grams of raw almonds
2 slices of country bread the day before.
3 cloves of garlic.
1 onion
1 glass of white wine
1 glass of water
olive oil
1 bay leaf.
saffron or food coloring.
First fry, in a little oil, the bread and reserve, then the garlic cloves, onion, and
almonds, all separately and in the order expressed and reserve in the blender glass for
a later use.
Add the oil used to fry the first ingredients to the glass, as well as the wine, water and
parsley, process and reserve. Salt and pepper the chicken drumsticks and fry them, in

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
the same oil, to a golden brown color. Reserve.
Next, put the chicken drumsticks, some of the oil used to fry the chicken, and the mash
previously reserve in a large pan, together with the bay leaf, saffron or coloring, and
simmer for about 30 minutes until you see the drumsticks may be tender, if the cooking
sauce get too thick, add in some water. Season with salt if necessary.
Drumsticks can be served with a few French fries .

Chicken drumsticks


Ingredients for 3-4 people:
6 chicken drumsticks
1 large onion
2 cloves garlic
Some chicken broth (or a broth cube)
33 cl of beer
1 tablespoon paprika
Chopped parsley
Fry the chicken drumsticks (previously salted and peppered) in a pressure cooker (PC)
with some oil. Coarsely chop the onion and garlic. Remove the drumsticks when they
are golden brown, and fry, in the same oil, the onion and garlic until both ingredients
are clearly "poached". Then add the paprika, but remove the PC from the heat to avoid
the paprika turns bitter; stir all the preparation well and return the PC to the heat.
Put the chicken back into the PC and, after two mins, add the chopped parsley, the
broth, and beer. Mix it all well and then lock the PC, and let it simmer for 8-10 mins
when the stew starts to come out. First the heat must be high, but when you see the
steam, turn it down to a low-to-medium level.


Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
Once the chicken is cooked, remove it from the PC, transfer the sauce to a blender
glass, process, sieve, and serve the drumsticks topped with the sauce.


Chicken and Mushrooms


1 small glass white wine.
250 g of cream
250 g of mushrooms (canned ones are also OK)
1 garlic clove
1 chicken breast
Cut the breast into four fillets and fry until they are cooked inside and golden brown on
the outside.
Fry the mushrooms (cut into slices), in the same oil used to fry the chicken breasts,
together with the garlic (whole). Once the mushrooms are cooked, add the chicken,
cream and glass of white wine. Stir well to mix all flavors, and simmer to allow the
sauce to get thicker. Add some salt to taste and serve.


Chicken Rolls with Mushrooms



Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

Ingredients for 4 people:
12 thin chicken breast fillets.
12 slices of bacon.
1 large onion.
175 g of mushrooms.(sliced; canned ones are also OK)
1/2 cup of white wine. (it can be substituted by brandy)
1 cup chicken or vegetable broth.
Olive oil.
Salt and pepper
Salt and pepper the breast fillets. Place a slice of bacon on each fillet on, roll the bacon
and the fillet together and fasten with 1 or 2 toothpicks so each roll doesn't
"disassemble", slightly fry them and reserve. Clean the mushrooms, cut them into
slices and reserve.
Sauté the onion, finely chopped, in the oil used to fry the chicken rolls, until it has a
transparent aspect. Season, add the mushrooms and cook until they lose water and it
evaporates. Then, pour in the white wine. Allow 2 mins of cooking so the alcohol
evaporates, and return the rolls to the pan; simmer for about 12-15 mins. Serve hot.
The wine can be substituted for brandy.
The bacon slices should be cut according to the size of the chicken fillets so it doesn't
stick out of roll.


Chicken with Vegetables and Prawns



Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

2 chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch dice
2 dozen shrimps
1 onion
1 green pepper
3 carrots
a few mushrooms
2 cayenne peppers
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1 cup vegetable broth (a broth cube and some hot water will do the trick)
soy sauce
extra virgin olive oil
Brown the chicken dice in some oil, and reserve. Sauté the prawns, peeled, in the
same oil and reserve.
Cut the onions, carrots, peppers and mushrooms into julienne, and fry it all in the same
pan where the chicken and shrimps were browned, and add the two cayenne peppers.
When the vegetables are al dente, pour in the chicken stock and a dash of soy sauce.
Add the chicken dice and shrimps, simmer for a few mins, and add the cornstarch
diluted in cold water to thicken the sauce. Stir continuously so that the ingredients do
not burn. Served garnished with a sprig of parsley.


Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

Chicken Stewed in Stout Beer & Roast Potatoes Code23

Ingredients (2 people):
1/2 chicken
1 carrot
1 spring onion
1 clove of garlic
1 bottle of dark beer
4 small potatoes
a pinch of butter
olive oil
To prepare the potatoes, cut them in half and trim the base to get a flat surface where
they can sit on the bottom of the baking dish; put some butter and some finely chopped
garlic on each potato piece. Bake at 180ºC-356ºF for about 40 minutes.
Cut the chicken into eighths, salt them, dredge in flour and fry in a wide, low pan in a
little oil. When browned, remove and reserve.
Chop the onion, garlic and carrot and fry in the same pan with the same oil (remove
some of the oil though) along with some peppercorns. Add in the chicken when the
vegetables are browned. Add in the beer, let it simmer for few minutes so the sauce
Serve the chicken pieces accompanied by the roasted potatoes and garnished with a
sprig of parsley.

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

Lamb Cakes


Ingredients for 4 people:
2 puff pastry sheets
300 gr. lamb
1 spring onion
1 carrot
3 garlic cloves
4 plums
16 green olives (pitted)
1 egg
some olive oil
Chop the garlic, the green onion and carrot, and then fry it all in a pan in a little oil .
Season, and simmer for about 8 to 10 minutes over low heat.
Mince the meat using a knife and season it. Fry it, briefly, and add the olives, cut into
rings, and the plums cut into dice. Stir it all well and add a pinch of nutmeg and a pinch
of cumin. Mix all well and let it cool .
Place a sheet of baking paper on the baking tray. Spread a sheet of puff pastry on a
flat surface and cut it into 4. Arrange a portion of meat in the center of each piece. Beat
an egg in a bowl and, with a brush moistened with some beaten egg, paint the edges
around the filling.


Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
Cut also the other puff pastry sheet into 4 pieces to cover the first ones with the filling.
Close them by pressing on the edges with a fork. Moisten the upper surface of each
piece with the beaten egg, make a small hole in the center and bake at 200°C-392ºF
for 15 minutes.
Serve the cakes garnished with parsley leaves .

Lamb Chops with Roasted Red Peppers


Ingredients for 4 people:
24 lamb chops
3 red bell peppers
olive oil
ground rosemary
sprig of rosemary
Clean the peppers, place them on a baking dish, moisten them with a little oil, season,
and roast in the oven at 180ºC-356ºF for 30-35 minutes.
Peel the peppers, cut into strips and season with a little oil and a pinch of salt, and
Soak the chops, for a few mins, in a mixture made with a little oil and some ground
rosemary. Next, arrange the chops on the grill and cook for 1-2 mins per side for rare,
or 3-4 mins for well done; although the thickness of the chops do also matter.
Serve the chops accompanied by the roasted peppers, and a sprig of rosemary.
Also, canned roasted red peppers are OK; although, it is better to season them with
finely chopped garlic, salt and olive oil for a few hours


Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

Rabbit and Lamb Trotters


Ingredients for 2 people:
Half farm rabbit
6 lamb trotters
150 g of sausage
1 green pepper
1 onion
1 spring onion
1 head of garlic
2 garlic cloves
1 chili
1 tablespoon flour
some olive oil
1 tablespoon paprika
1 sprig of thyme
1 bay leaf
For the broth: put the lamb trotters in a pressure cooker (PC) with water, salt and a
few sprigs of parsley. Add the bay leaf, branch of thyme, both onion and green pepper
whole, the garlic bulb and a little oil. Lock the PC and cook for 25 minutes from the
moment the steam comes out. Remove the trotters and strain the broth.
Cut the rabbit into 4 pieces, season and fry them in a pan with a drizzle of olive oil.
Remove it from pan and reserve the oil.
Chop the garlic cloves and brown them in the pan used to fry the rabbit. Add the
onion , chorizo and chili, all finely chopped. Add the paprika and continue sautéing.

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
Stir in the flour and mix it all well. Add in the reserved broth as well as the rabbit. Check
the seasoning, and continue cooking for about 25-30 minutes. Mix in the lamb trotters
at the last minute so they can warm up. Cover and let it sit for few mins.
Serve the rabbit and lamb trotters with sauce, and a sprinkle of chopped parsley at the
last minute .

Lamb Kebabs


Ingredients for 4 people:
600 g lamb leg meat
8 cherry tomatoes
1 head of lettuce
1 clove of garlic
1 yogurt
1/4 pineapple
1 lemon
olive oil
1 teaspoon curry powder
1 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon oregano
some parsley
Remove all pieces of fat from the leg meat. Chop the meat into cubes of about 2
inches. Place them in a bowl, salt and pepper and add oregano and thyme. Sprinkle on
it a couple tablespoons of olive oil and lemon juice. Mix well and let it stand for 15

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
Peel the pineapple, cut into thick slices and then into chunks the same size as the
lamb dice.
Wash the tomatoes. Threaded onto each skewer: 2 pieces of meat, 1 tomato and 1
piece of pineapple. Grill for 4-5 minutes per side.
For the sauce: place the yogurt in a bowl, add the curry, a pinch of salt, a tablespoon
of oil, 1 chopped garlic and a little chopped parsley. Mix well.
Serve skewers with some sauce and a salad made with the lettuce dressed with oil,
vinegar and salt.
All pieces of meat and pineapple must have the same size to get an homogenous

Sausage and Mushroom Skewers


Ingredients for 2 people:
Two sausages (of the type shown on the photo-link)
6 mushrooms
4 cherry tomatoes
2 shallots
40 g butter
1 glass of red wine
olive oil
chopped parsley
For the salad:
1 apple
4 cherry tomatoes
50 g blue cheese
50 g of raisins
50 g arugula

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
For the wine sauce: heat the red wine in a saucepan. Chop the shallots, add them to
the wine and let it reduce. Chop the butter into cubes and add it to previous mixture,
while stirring with a whisk until it thickens. Strain.
Clean the mushrooms by taking away the stems and clean under running water.
Thread them onto 4 skewers, alternating cherry tomatoes with pieces of sausage.
Seasons, moisten with a virgin olive oil and bake at 250ºC-482ºF for 10 minutes
(Preheat the oven to 250ºC-482ºF).
For the salad: Put the raisins in a bowl. Cut the apple into sticks and mix with the
raisins. Add the arugula, the blue cheese, cut into cubes, and add the cherry tomatoes.
Seasoned with vinegar, salt and olive oil and mix well.
Serve the skewers on a tray, dressed with the red wine sauce, accompanied by the
salad, and garnished with chopped parsley.

Steak & Mushroom Skewers with Applesauce


Ingredients for 2 people:
1 pork tenderloin of about 300 g
6 mushrooms
6 slices of bacon
2 apples

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
1 teaspoon sugar
2 knobs of butter
2 tablespoons of dessert sweet wine
olive oil
chopped parsley
For the applesauce: remove the core of apples and stuff in a little butter. Put them in a
suitable baking dish, moisten with sweet wine and sprinkle with sugar. Bake at 200°C392ºF for 25 minutes. Remove the skin of apples, season with salt and pepper and
mash them well to make a fine purée. Add in a little oil .
For the kebabs: cut the tenderloin into 6 same-sized dice; salt and pepper and reserve.
Clean the mushrooms in a bowl with cold water to remove impurities and dry with
absorbent paper. Trim the mushroom stem and wrap each one with a slice of bacon.
Prepare two skewers alternating three mushrooms and three pieces of sirloin. Cook on
a griddle over medium heat in a little oil for 2 minutes per side, and season.
Put some apple sauce on the plate and top it with the skewer Season with a little
vinaigrette and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Pork Dice with Piperade


Ingredients for two people:
300 gr. pork loin (two pieces of 150 g each)
1 red bell pepper

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
1 yellow bell pepper
2 green peppers
2 spring onions
6 fresh garlic
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
8 baby spinach leaves fried
Olive oil
Salt and pepper
Wash the peppers, place them on the baking sheet — greased with a little oil— and
sprinkle on them some oil and salt. Broil at 180°C-356ºF for 30-40 minutes; let them
cool down and peel.
Cut the onion and garlic into julienne. Fry in a skillet over medium heat in a little oil and
salt. When the previous ingredients take on some golden brown, add the peppers,
peeled and cut into strips. Salt to taste and add the vinegar, and let it reduce a bit. Fry
the spinach leaves in a pan in not-too-hot oil.
Cut the pork tenderloin in 6 dice, salt and pepper, dredge in breadcrumbs, thread onto
4 skewers (3 dice each) and fry in a pan in oil on medium heat since breadcrumbs may
burn very quickly.
Serve the skewers accompanied by piperade and some fried spinach leaves.

Quails with Garlic Potatoes


Ingredients for 4 people:
8 quails

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
2 spring onions
4 tomatoes (branch)
2 potatoes
24 fresh garlic
1 cup txakolí
extra virgin olive oil
Chop the onions into thin strips and put them to fry in a pan in a little oil. Peel the
tomatoes, cut them into wedges and add them to the pan. Sauté it all for 10 mins and
Spread the fry-up on a baking tray. Salt and pepper the quails and arrange on the fryup. Moisten the birds with txakolí and bake them at 200ºC-392ºF for 35 mins.
Peel the potatoes, cut them into large dice, cook in water for 10 minutes, and drain.
Cut the fresh garlic into lengthwise pieces of 2 inches, and sauté them in a little oil. Add
also the potatoes and sauté. Season and sprinkle some chopped parsley.
Serve the quails accompanied by the onion- tomato fry-up, together with the potatoes.
Garnish with parsley leaves.
Advice: Moisten the quails with the baking juices so they can have a brighter look.

Stewed Turkey Drumsticks with Sautéed Melon Code32


Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
Ingredients for 4 people:
4 turkey drumsticks
1/2 k. melon
1 onion
2 leeks
2 carrots
1 green pepper
1 tomato
1 glass of red wine
extra virgin olive oil
black pepper
Clean and chop the leeks, carrots, green pepper and onion. Fry it all in a large fry pan
with a little oil. Let it all cook over medium heat until the vegetables are poached. Add
the diced tomatoes and continue simmering.
Salt and pepper the turkey drumsticks, and brown them in a pan with a little oil. Add
the drumsticks to the pan where the veggies were fried, pour in the red wine and a
splash of water. Let it cook for 30 minutes.
Remove the turkey drumsticks and process the sauce with an electric mixer. Strain and
let the sauce reduce for 8-10 minutes. Then, add the turkey drumsticks again.
Cut out small balls or dice from the melon and sauté them in some oil. Serve the turkey
drumsticks accompanied by the fried melon balls and garnished with a sprig of parsley.

Turkey Drumsticks in Sauce



Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras

Ingredients for 2 people:
2 turkey drumsticks
2 carrots
1 leek
1 onion
2 garlic cloves
15 g of dried mushrooms
100 ml of white wine
olive oil
black pepper balls
1 bay leaf
For the garnish:
2 medium-sized potatoes
1 garlic cloves
80 g of butter
olive oil
Salt and pepper the turkey drumsticks and put them to fry in a pan with olive oil. Chop

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
the onion, leek, carrot and dried up mushrooms and add them to the casserole. Add
two cloves of garlic, the bay leaf and some pepper balls, and pour in the white wine.
Also add in a glass of water and let it cook for about 45 minutes.
For the garnish, peel and cut the potatoes into thick slices. Use a small scooper to
pierce a hole on each potato slice; next fry them in a little oil, together with a nut of
butter, a garlic clove, thyme, rosemary and oregano.
Remove the drumsticks, and process the sauce in a blender (do not sieve). Serve the
drumstick on a plate, dressed with the sauce and accompanied by the potatoes.
Season with a little salt and chopped parsley.

Kid (lamb) Roast with Thick-sliced Potatoes


Ingredients for 4 people:
One kid (lamb) of 1.5 kg
3 garlic cloves
12 piquillo peppers
olive oil
For baked thick-sliced potatoes:
4 potatoes
1 onion
1 green pepper
2 cloves of garlic
olive oil

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
Salt and pepper the kid, place it on a baking tray and sprinkle it with a splash of oil.
Ground the garlic cloves, add in a little water and vinegar and pour this mash on the
Bake at 180ºC-356ºF for 45-60 minutes. Transfer the baking juices to a skillet; give it a
boil and reserve.
To prepare the baked potatoes: Chop the onion and the green pepper into thin
julienne, and slice the garlic cloves. Put it all in a pan with some oil. Peel the potatoes,
cut into half moons of about an inch, and add them to the vegetable. Salt and pepper,
and cook for about 15 minutes.
Sauté the piquillo peppers in a pan with a little oil.
Serve the lamb accompanied by the baked potatoes and piquillo peppers. Dress the
lamb with the baking juices.

Baked Pork Spare Rib with Murcia Salad


Ingredients for 4 people:
1.5 kg. pork chop
3 tomatoes
1 spring onion
12 black olives (pitted)
2 cloves of garlic
olive oil
1/2 teaspoon paprika

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
2 sprigs of rosemary
Cut the spare rib slab into 4-rib racks and place them in the pressure cooker (PC); add
a branch of rosemary, cover with water and salt and pepper. Lock the PC and cook for
10-12 minutes from when the steam starts to come out.
Next, move the ribs to a baking sheet, and reserve.
Process the garlic cloves, peeled and chopped, 4 tbsp, 1tbsp of vinegar, paprika, the
leaves of a branch of rosemary and salt.
Salt and pepper the meat and dress it with the sauce. Bake at 190°C-375ºF for 20
minutes. Halfway through cooking, turn them over and moisten the ribs with the
remaining sauce. Keep them warm in the oven with the residual heat.
Peel 2 tomatoes, cut into irregular pieces and place in a bowl. Grate the other tomato;
chop the onion into strips and add it to the bowl. Add in the olives (pitted), cut into
slices, and season with oil, vinegar and salt. Serve the spare ribs with the Murcia
salad. Garnish with parsley leaves.

Ossobuco with Mashed Sweet Potatoes


Ingredients for 4 people:
4 pieces of beef ossobuco
3 sweet potatoes
2 onions
2 carrots
1 stick of celery (small)

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
1 tomato
1 glass of white wine
extra virgin olive oil
bay leaves
Put the potatoes to cook in a saucepan with water and a pinch of salt. Peel and smash
them when cooked . Salt and pepper, pour a little oil and some chopped parsley, and
mix it all well.
Salt and pepper the ossobuco pieces; dredge them in flour and brown them in a pan
with a little oil, and reserve. Chop the onions , carrots and celery into small cubes and
put them to fry in pressure cooker (PC). Grate the tomatoes over the vegetables. Pour
in the wine. Add the bay leaves and the black peppercorns, and salt to taste. Let it
simmer for a few mins and add in the ossobuco pieces, cover with water, lock the PC,
cook for 15-18 mins. from when the steam starts to come out. After this time, remove
the ossobuco pieces, and process the sauce (it can be sieved, but if it is too liquid you
can thicken it by adding some cornstarch dissolved in cold water, and heated up again
to reduce it a little).
Serves the ossobuco pieces dressed with the cooking sauce and the sweet potato
mash. Garnish with parsley leaves.

Roast Beef with Mustard & Baked Potatoes


Ingredients (8 people):
1 piece of 2 kg. of sirloin

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
4 large potatoes
2 tablespoons mustard
3 cloves of garlic
Olive oil
10 peppercorns
1/2 teaspoon pepper powder
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon paprika
Pour a little oil on the baking tray and spread it with a brush. Sprinkle over it the pepper
powder, oregano, thyme and paprika. Wash and cut the potatoes in half, make a
shallow cut crosswise on the inside, salt and place them on the baking tray, leaving the
skin side up.
Remove any fat on the surface of the sirloin. Pestle, in a mortar, the garlic cloves
(peeled), the peppercorns and a little salt. Add mustard and a tablespoon of oil. Spread
this mash on the meat and place it next to the potatoes. Move the tray into the oven
(preheated) and bake at 180°C-356ºF for 40 minutes. Let the meat stand for 10
minutes before cutting into slices.
Serve the roast beef accompanied by the potatoes.

Pork Sirloin with Mushroom Sauce


Ingredients for 4 people:
800 gr. pork tenderloin
12 slices of bacon
700 gr. mushrooms
1 glass of txakolí
4 cloves of garlic

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
1 cayenne chili
2 tablespoons flour
olive oil
Clean the mushrooms, cut them in half, and reserve. Peel and chop the garlic cloves,
finely, and put them to fry in a pan with the chilly in a little oil. When they start to brown,
add the flour, stir well, and mix in the salt and pepper, and pour in a glass of txakolí.
Let it cook over medium heat for 20-25 minutes (add a little water if the preparation
gets dry). Sprinkle with chopped parsley and reserve.
Cut 12 tenderloin medallions. Wrap each with a slice of bacon (fasten the bacon strips
with toothpicks). Salt and pepper and cook in a skillet with very little oil for about 2-3
mins per side.
Serve the medallions accompanied by the mushrooms in sauce. Garnish with a parsley
Note. The pork tenderloin contains little fat so it should be noted that it is a healthy
meat for all types of people.

Duck Confit with Applesauce and Zucchini


Ingredients for 4 people:
4 duck confit pieces
4 blocks
1/2 zucchini
3 prunes
70 gr. arugula
50 gr. corn

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
extra virgin olive oil
sherry vinegar
For the applesauce: peel the apples, remove the core, chop them, and put them to
cook in a saucepan with a little water and a pinch of salt. Next, smash the apples,
wash the zucchini, grate it with a mandolin and add it to the applesauce. Salt and
pepper, and add a drizzle of olive oil, mix well, and reserve.
Remove the excess of fat from the duck confit pieces, place them on a baking tray, salt
& pepper and roast at 200°C-392ºF for 15-20 minutes.
Chop the prunes and put them to cook for 10 minutes with a glass of water and a half
cup of vinegar. Pestle and strain. Add a splash of oil and mix well.
Clean the arugula under running water and place it a bowl together with the corn.
Season to taste and mix well.
Serve the applesauce and zucchini in the bottom of the dish, topped with the confit and
accompanied by the arugula salad, seasoned to taste.

Meat Rolls with Arugula Salad


Ingredients for 4 people:
12 rump steaks (thin)
12 slices of bacon (thin)
some arugula leaves
2 garlic cloves
300 gr. cheese spread
olive oil
sherry vinegar

Meat Recipes by Carlos Mirasierras
25 gr. nuts (peeled)
25 gr. basil
25 gr. parsley
Chop the basil leaves, nuts and parsley and put everything in a blender cup, add a little
oil, process, then mix the this mash with the cheese spread, and reserve.
Brown the bacon slices in a pan with no oil, and reserve.
Pound the fillets with the broad side of the knife so the meat flattens and gets more
tender. Salt and pepper. Place a slice of bacon on each fillet, cover with a portion of
the cheese mixture and roll up. Fasten each roll with a toothpick. Sprinkle some olive
oil a baking sheet and arrange the rolls on it. Drizzle with a little oil and bake at 200°C392 for 8-10 minutes (remove the toothpick).
Peel and cut the garlic cloves in half and put them to fry in a pan with oil. Remove the
pan from the heat, add a splash of vinegar and let it reduce . Remove the garlic. Serve
the beef rolls, accompanied by the arugula, seasoned, and dress the meat roll with the
vinaigrette made with the preparation made with oil, garlic and vinegar.


To be continued.....................


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